
Plugin Conflict with TARDIS-Xern

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Running Spigot 1.5.2

Hi there,

I seem to have run into an unusual conflict between SkylandsPlus and Jogy34's TARDIS plugin. (

When I install the TARDIS plugin, the land generation in my skylands world is set back to normal. I can make new worlds and the generator works as expected (Though I have not tested whether it holds after a restart)

I have to uninstall Jogy's plugin for my skylands world to use the SkylandsPlus generator again.

Jogy told me I should come here and ask you about it after I discussed it with him:

This is what I sent him:
"After installing TARDISs it seemed to break my world generator, SkylandsPlus. I tried on a 1.5 server as well as a 1.6. Could you possibly look into this? As soon as I uninstalled the TARDIS plugin, world generation worked again. There weren't any error messages."

And he replied with the following:
"This may be because I am using a few terrain generators of my own but I don't know why it would be affecting any normal worlds. Actually if my plugin is loading before the terrain generator one it might be that I am loading the worlds with the default generator and because I loaded it before the other plugin it can't override it. I don't really know how to fix it. You may want to talk to the SkylandsPlus developer to see if he/she knows how to load it before other plugins."

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :D

Right now the only solution I've found is to use WorldBorder, set the radius to 10k and just generate the entire world prior to installing the TARDIS plugin.

All SkylandsPlus does is provide a method that generates a chunk, any issues like this are nothing to do with me. Sorry there is not much I can say :/