Find and systematically name topical hero images
Opened this issue · 2 comments
bernhold commented
Before our contract with Sandbox ended, Matt was creating blog hero images based on the topics, with the idea that we could use them as semi-generic heroes if we didn't have something better from the authors of the posting. We have a few of these (far from all topics), but the files are not named in a way that makes them easy to find and identify in the images
folder. We need to find the ones that we have and copy them to files with a systematic naming scheme. Maybe something like hero-topic-<topic name>
markcmiller86 commented
@bernhold did @sbxchicago by any chance create a check-list of thing(s) (properties, attributes, etc.) he would look for in a good hero image?
bernhold commented
Here's the guidance we give blog authors:
- At the top of your article, we can include a "hero" image, which is also used as a background to highlight it as the newest article in the list of blog postings. This image is optional, but if you have ideas for an appropriate image please let us know. Many blog articles are published without hero images. Guidelines for "hero" image:
- wide rectangular shape; we can crop an image to the required size (1125 x 432 pixels)
- the design brief for our site focuses on three types of imagery for hero:
- stock images (we have access to a number of stock photo libraries),
- data visualizations, or
- people in trainings, workshops, conferences, or other settings
- "hero" images should contain no bold text; incidental text (in diagrams, for instance) is OK.