Missing functions (autoversion and bump) on CLI windows install, getting error Invalid command
MarzV opened this issue · 2 comments
MarzV commented
I have successfully installed the CLI and the described dependecies,
- Bettyblocks/cli25.43.1
- isolated-vm@44.1
- node-gyp9.1.0
But when I try to use the functions
- bb functions autoversion
- bb funtions bump,
I got an error message Invalid command.
When I try BB -h, I see in the list that those functions aren't listed in the list of available functions either.
Can you help me how I get the other functions available on a windows machine ?
Kind regards,
Marcel van der Vliet
MarzV commented
For other with same problems on windows
- when using nvm for windows
- checkout the prefix of the globall installs: npm config get prefix
- add the result of this command to your path variables
That worked for me....
chrisobdam commented
Thank you for this update Marcel!