Learning Centre Design Refresh
balupton opened this issue · 7 comments
Possible resources:
- http://www.polymer-project.org/docs/polymer/polymer.html
- http://dribbble.com/shots/1424328-Backbone-Js
- http://highlandjs.org/
- http://keystonejs.com/guide/
- http://cactusformac.com/docs/
- http://www.getskeleton.com/
- http://balupton.com/
- http://developer.github.com/v3/
- https://stripe.com/docs/tutorials/sending-transfers
- http://basekit-templates.github.io/template-docs/setting-up-git.html
- http://dribbble.com/balupton/buckets/188807-Documentation
Previous resources:
Other resources:
- https://help.ubuntu.com/13.10/ubuntu-help/unity-launcher-menu.html
- https://github.com/PharkMillups/beautiful-docs
Possible projects
- https://github.com/mozilla/kuma — powers mdn
I love @Polymer's docs and branding in general. Lots of stuff to document in that project and they're doing a good job. There docs come from markdown files in GitHub it seems: https://github.com/Polymer/docs/blob/master/docs/start/creatingelements.md
I'd like to help with the design/front-end work for the Bevry Learning Centre. We need to outline everything that's going to be inside the site. For me personally I at least want docs (like Polymer's) and a collection of videos/tutorials/@GitbookIO(interactive tutorials). Interactive learning/tutorials in general are the future standard. Check out this cool one for learning VIM terminal editor:
and we can create Courses with Codecademy
Hey @balupton, can you list me the things to be featured on the Learning Centre landing page here in a comment and I'll do a couple drafts in photoshop so we may visualize. 😃
So all it is, is taking the bevry.me/learn pages, and wrapping them in a design like http://cactusformac.com/docs/
Got it.
Progress has commenced on https://github.com/bevry/learn
The ground has broken! (for the Learning Centre) 💔
Completed. New website is now live. http://learn.bevry.me
Thanks everyone for your help and co-operation in this :)