
about this project / discuss this project

balupton opened this issue · 5 comments

Just pushed this project up (first public commit, still under construction, not yet for public consumption) - which is the result from a lot of meetings, discussions, and month of experimentation - finally at a point where the solid foundations are being made - and about to create something quite cool.

I've updated the README with the details on the plan:

We can use this thread to discuss the project.

You can also join our Slack

Or schedule a meeting with me directly.

Status update over at #11 (comment)

Good evening:
Are there more recent news about this? (projectz status on fetching Patreon / Flattr users, etc.).

Also, are there new backers in Bevry? Because maybe it's not a good idea to dedicate resources in that if we are a low number of backers.

Finally, I have an idea for rewards: help requests (if possible). Because sometimes I have problems with Docpad plugin development and I don't know how to solve them (after reading closed issues if the problem was solved before).

That's all. Keep the good work.
Best regards.

I ended up giving up and leaving open-source to focus on trading markets. It is more profitable and more fulfilling.

I'm sad for this decision because I think this (Docpad) has potential, but I understand that perfectly. I will be participating as much as I can and I wish you get good things on your new project.