Global, in situ analysis of the structural proteome in individuals with Parkinson’s disease to identify a new class of biomarker
Scripts to reproduce the main analysis of:
Mackmull, MT., Nagel, L., Sesterhenn, F. et al. Global, in situ analysis of the structural proteome in individuals with Parkinson’s disease to identify a new class of biomarker. Nat Struct Mol Biol (2022).
StructuralVariabiliyCSF.R: Variability of the healthy human CSF structural proteome
LinearModels.R: Structural proteomic changes in CSF of PD patients
RegularizedRegressionModels.R: CSF structural peptides classify healthy vs PD groups
Please download supplementary file 12, all data you need for running the analysis is provided there.
The code runs on Linux operating systems (Fedora 25) and has not been tested on other versions.
The code was developed on R-version 4.0.3 including following packages:
devtools 2.4.3
glmnet 4.1-1
lawstat 3.4
multimode 1.5
openxlsx 4.2.5
plyr 1.8.7