
Use maps metadata in new lobby

Opened this issue · 3 comments

p2004a commented

Basic integration of pulling information from this repo to new lobby to show list of current mapts. The portion that belongs in this repo is to figure out the schema of data as needed by new lobby and write a script that generates it.

Hey there! I'm interested in looking into this issue as my first contribution. @thehobojoe Have you made progress on this yet? Because I would like to start familiarizing myself with this repo/issue and the new lobby's mapbrowser and I would be grateful for any pointers!

I've unassigned him because he is not working on it at the moment.

For new lobby, on discord there is video how to get started. I assume new lobby will use this API to fetch generated content, images etc. For how to add new files there, see various gen_ files in, gen_live_maps.ts is the simplest, output served like: For the most comprehensive usage of extracting different pieces of map metadata, you can check out how this object is built for the website.

So IMHO the steps are:

  1. Define the JSON schema(s?) for how lobby will consume the maps metadata.
  2. Write generator in this repo.
  3. Integrate fetching of this metadata in new lobby from the API

Thanks for the pointers! I'll be taking a closer look this evening, I'll check back when I've made some progress/questions come up.