
Stylizing graph

loic-lopez opened this issue · 6 comments


Someone knows good settings for generate a beautiful diagram?

Thanks for reply?

Hi @loic-lopez,

You can style it on the config settings:

     * Here you can define all the available Graphviz attributes that should be applied to your graph,
     * to its nodes and to the edge (the connection between the nodes). Depending on the size of
     * your diagram, different settings might produce better looking results for you.
     * See for a full list of attributes.
    'graph' => [
        'style' => 'filled',
        'bgcolor' => '#F7F7F7',
        'fontsize' => 12,
        'labelloc' => 't',
        'concentrate' => true,
        'splines' => 'polyline',
        'overlap' => false,
        'nodesep' => 1,
        'rankdir' => 'LR',
        'pad' => 0.5,
        'ranksep' => 2,
        'esep' => true,
        'fontname' => 'Helvetica Neue'

Publish the config options:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=BeyondCode\\ErdGenerator\\ErdGeneratorServiceProvider

And then change whatever you need or want.

Hi, thanks for reply but i just ask for the best preset for generate a diagram.

@diogogomeswww like in the readme:

I second this question. its confusing that the example in the readme looks nothing like the default settings in the erd-generator.php config file

Same here. Would be nice to have that config file included as well.

Do you have the config for the diagram with the entity members.