
Database entity blank

Opened this issue · 8 comments

After generated Laravel ER diagram successfully, it shows the tables relationship but didn't show database entity.


I'm also running into this issue. Any help?

i use laravel 6.x but I have this problem too.

Laravel 7.0 same here.

got this on some models, but others are okay. why ?

I got the same issue but resolved after executing database migration.

php artisan migrate
php artisan generate:erd

The problem is still relevant for Laravel 7.30.4. Did anyone find a solution?

Проблема все еще актуальна для Laravel 7.30.4. Кто-нибудь нашел решение?

I understood. In my case it was because the Laravel application was in a docker environment and I called the php artisan generate command: erd output.svg --format=svg outside the container. After installing apt-get install graphviz directly into the environment container and then generating the schema, everything worked correctly. I think similar logic will be true for Laravel Homestead as well.

just open the xampp server. its now showing attributes because , your laravel project is not connected to phpmyadmin database