Service Provider Not Registered?
dcsilver opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I initially thought this was a composer issue specific to my project and tried everything the internet suggested to reinstall dependencies and clear caches, but I'm still getting a "Class 'App\Providers\Mailbox' not found" error when I attempt to call Mailbox from AppServiceProvider on a brand new Laravel 5.8 project.
It goes away if I let PHPStorm add:
use BeyondCode\Mailbox\Facades\Mailbox;
use BeyondCode\Mailbox\InboundEmail;
But it then reports that it can't find the from method so i suspect it's not a real fix.
The namespaces aren't in the list in config/app.php, so I've tried to add them in there manually too based on the composer.json in the vendor folder, to no avail.
Can anyone reproduce this? Thanks and sorry if I'm missing something basic, which I suspect.
Typically after hours of guessing I now notice the usage examples confirm you must include "use BeyondCode\Mailbox\Facades\Mailbox;" 10 minutes after opening the issue - oops! Will close this for now.