Using any control line other than BCM 18
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Has anyone gotten any other interface to work? I am doing this:
var ws2812 = require('../../node_modules/rpi-ws281x-native/lib/ws281x-native');
ws2812.init(NUM_LEDS, {gpioPin: 18});
and if I use any value other than 18 (i.e. 10 or 21) as the gpioPin I get this error:
bindings.init(numLeds, options);
Error: init(): initialization failed. sorry – no idea why.
at Error (native)
I am running on a Raspberry Pi Zero. Pin 18 is basically working but I am getting irregular delays on the write command. I am driving a 60 LED strip and most calls to write take <2ms, but every minute or so a write will take ~600ms to ~1200ms ... I'm only looking to use SPI to see if this problem can be solved.
I am running on Jessie, node 6.10.3.
Opps, sorry, should have read through all of the other issues, one gave me the tip of trying:
{dmaNum: 10}
and it seems to have fixed the blocking.
I'd still like to know if anyone else has gotten SPI to work, for when I want to control multiple strips.
I'm closing this as this will be resolved with version 1.0 (now finally on the horizon). See #67 for progress on that.
This still doesn't work with the node-rpi-ws281x-native@next builds
const pixel = 13;
const neopixel = ws281x(1,{gpio: pixel, stripType: 0x00081000});
Throws the following error:
Error: Selected GPIO not possible
at Error (native)
at init (/home/pi/N556/node_modules/rpi-ws281x-native/lib/ws281x-native.js:156:12)
Any idea when we might be able to use pin 13?
hm, hard to say. That is an error that is forwarded from the underlying c-library which now supports multiple operating modes (PWM, SPI and PCM) to support as many pins as possible. There is some more information about this in that projects readme.
Maybe the problem is, that PWM1 is only supported for the second channel, not sure if I am reading this correctly right now: