
Return Place Id + Coords as well as Value ?

vexkiddy opened this issue · 1 comments

hiya, does your implementation (GooglePlacesAutocomplete.svelte) return the place ID and the lat and long too ? I can get the value eg. the street address, however it would be great to retrieve the place ID and long lat coords too. I'm using your Geocoder to capture data in a form, to then link out to Google maps later on. This would mean when linking out you can pass the coords + street name + place id and get google maps to display the place with all its ratings etc. Currently just doing this with the street address you don't get any of that important info.

Many thanks for the great sveltekit implementation btw! :D

also, would it be possible to retrieve the place name in the value that is returned ? or have an option to do so ? as mentioned above the place gets converted into a street address and removes the venue name.. eg. when you search for soho house berlin, the field updates with its address only, eg. Torstraße 1, 10119 Berlin, Germany not Soho House, Torstraße 1, 10119 Berlin, Germany