Feature idea: Implement WideNES for widescreen gameplay?
greigs opened this issue · 2 comments
based on the work done by @daniel5151 http://prilik.com/blog/2018/08/24/wideNES.html
I am considering attempting this on my new fork, but would like to gauge interest first. Thumbs up and follow my fork if this of interest to you.
I'd also recommend taking a gander at WideGB (https://kemenaran.winosx.com/posts/widegb-playing-game-boy-games-on-wide-screens/), a similar project for the original Gameboy [Color]. That said, do note that the Gameboy lends itself better to this sort of technique, since games aren't as likely to rely on mid-frame IRQs to create status bars & cool effects and such.
Best of luck! I'd love to see something playable in the browser 😄
Yeah NES definitely seems trickier than GB. I suspect based on your findings there would need to be some game-by-game database of settings. Maybe the wide feature will be an opt-in option only on games that are tested to support it.