
nes.loadRom doesn't seem to accept roms encoded as Uint8Arrays

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I'm using the Vanilla JS version of JSNES and modified code from the embeded rom example. I tried to get it to open roms encoded as a byte array from nes.loadRom but couldn't get it to work at all.

I ended up having to create a blob from the URL, and then I created an object URL of that blob. then passed the url to this function from the example:

    function nes_load_url(canvas_id, path) {

      var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", path);
      req.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
      req.onerror = () => console.log(`Error loading ${path}: ${req.statusText}`);

      req.onload = function () {
        if (this.status === 200) {
        } else if (this.status === 0) {
          // Aborted, so ignore error
        } else {


Its great that I got my code to read and boot roms, but loading a rom from an object url instead of a byte array seems redundant. Maybe I was doing something wrong.