
Relational Programming with miniKanren

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I'd be willing to give this talk on a Scheme DSL for pure logic programming.

William Byrd has two videos covering a long talk he gave about miniKanren here, and this talk would cover the same material. The obvious goal is to get through the metacircular evaluator, but I doubt I could do this in an hour (it takes him 2.5 with some digressions), so it might have to get split into two pieces.

I'd be willing to synchronize a related talk around this - whether it's about LogicT, or Prolog, or just the basics of logic programming.

@peddie @dalaing still willing? Or should we close?

gwils commented

I'd be very interested in this, maybe as a series, maybe with mention of ekmett/guanxi

I haven't found anything about guanxi written down so someone else would have to tackle that part.

I still think @dalaing 's idea of combining this with something else relational, e.g. LogicT or maybe Mercury is good.