
IHP talk [September 2024]

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi There,

I'm not sure what the process is for giving talk ideas, but I'm happy to give a talk next month on IHP. It is a "batteries included" framework for writing web applications with Haskell. We've been using it for a project at my work for about a year and a half now.

I can make the talk be a demo project of some sort where we add a new feature, so some live coding or maybe just demoing some code. I can also go over what I do and don't like about it, and when I think one should use it.

I'm happy to do this talk next month (August) or September. I estimate it will go for between 30mins and 1hr.

Simon, bonza m8. Let's make it a lock for August. Duration up to 1h is fine!

Could you please provide a title and abstract in the next couple of weeks?

Do you have a twitter / fediverse handle I can refer to when I plug the next meetup on the socials?


Could you please provide a title and abstract in the next couple of weeks?

Sure thing. Watch this space.

Do you have a twitter / fediverse handle I can refer to when I plug the next meetup on the socials?

No, unfortunately, the best I can probably give you is my LinkedIn

@frasertweedale , how does this sound for the title and abstract?

# A review of the Integrated Haskell Platform
By Simon Curtis

Are you interested in FP and/or Haskell but don't know how it is used in the "real world"? Do you
want to build a web service but don't know how to do it in Haskell? IHP is a Haskell-based framework
for building web applications. Blazingly fast, secure, easy to refactor and the best development
experience with everything you need - from prototype to production. Packed full of features to allow
you to get web services up and running at lightning speed.

In this talk, we will look at the Integrated Haskell Platform and highlight some of the features it
has to offer. I will take you through some examples of how to do various useful things you will
probably need from a web application, such as adding new API endpoints, adding and querying database
tables, authorisation and centring a div. All in Haskell! We will also briefly touch on some of the
things I don't like about it, and when I think you should (or shouldn't) use it. Last but not least:
I'll briefly show off a feature-rich example project my team has been building in IHP.

This talk is aimed at all levels of FP and Haskell. The IHP framework is very easy to learn and can
be used even by those with little or no experience with Haskell.

Perfect, thanks Simon. I'll update and announce the meetup during the coming week.

@scurtis142 o/ just confirming you are still good for September 10th.

@frasertweedale Yes. September 10th is good.

@frasertweedale Yes. September 10th is good.

TYVM @scurtis142, I am very much looking forward to your presentation!