
JSON version of the Beer Judge Certification Program style guidelines

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BJCP Beer Style Guidelines

This package provides a JSON version of the Beer Judge Certification Program style guidelines.

2015 Guidelines

Content is based on official XML version.

2021 Guidelines

JSON version was build by parsing official docx version.
Currently, only beer guidelines are available.

Some adaptation were necessary to create a normalized data structure :

  • Category 27 - Historical Beer
    This category's styles have no id.
    An id was generated by adding an incremented letter to category's id (27A, 27B, ...)
  • Style 21B - Specialty IPA
    Although referenced as a style, it looks more like a category and contains different sub-styles with no code.
    Sub-styles were parsed as regular styles with an id based on parent style's code (21Ba, 21Bb, ...)
    A parentStyleId key was also added to track hierarchical relation.
  • Vital Statistics cannot always be directly parsed.
    Parsing consist in extracting following data : ogMin, ogMax, ibuMin, ibuMax, fgMin, fgMax, srmMin, srmMax, abvMin, abvMax.
    In any case, original Vital Statistics expression remains available under style's vitalStatistics key.
    • Statistics match standard format but contain comments.
      Comment was removed to allow standard parsing.
      Affected style : 23F (Fruit Lambic).
    • Statistics match standard format but contain multiple values for some data.
      When multiple data, extremum were kept.
      Affected style : 25B (Saison).
    • Statistics don't match standard format.
      No data was extracted.
      Affected styles : 21B (Specialty IPA), 27A (Kellerbier), 28A (Brett Beer), 28B (Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer), 28C (Wild Specialty Beer), 29A (Fruit Beer), 29B (Fruit and Spice Beer), 29C (Specialty Fruit Beer), 30A (Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer), 30B (Autumn Seasonal Beer), 30C (Winter Seasonal Beer), 30D (Specialty Spice Beer), 31A (Alternative Grain Beer), 31B (Alternative Sugar Beer), 32A (Classic Style Smoked Beer), 32B (Specialty Smoked Beer), 34A (Commercial Specialty Beer), 34B (Mixed-Style Beer), 34C (Experimental Beer).

All content is Copyright © 2015 BJCP, Inc.

Please note that these materials represent a great deal of hard work on the part of a great many volunteers.
You may not use these materials for any commercial purpose without permission.
You are NOT authorized to copy and post these guidelines, in any form, either on the web or in print, without specific permission from the BJCP.


Any contribution is welcomed and would be highly appreciated.
Please feel free to make a merge request, or to open an issue.