
Any plans for 1.4.0 release?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Any plans for a 'released' 1.4.0? We're currently using a Maven snapshot version, but would like a released one.....

Hello you can find the release plan in milestone section of the project

To sump up,

1.3.1: Jackson fixAcces(true) and Jackson update to 2.7.9
1.4.0: Jackson and bson4jackson updated to 2.9.x and enhancement of Jongo classes extensibility
1.5.0: New API to deal with mongo java driver API v3

Note that release workflow needs to be reworked before theses versions can be released (#333)

1.3.1 and 1.4.0 are ready to be released and 1.5.0 needs more tests and documentation.

Yeah ! 👍
Merci Benoit ! :)

Anything new on the release date? @bguerout

I have merged the new release script yesterday so I hope I can release 1.3.1 and 1.4.0 tomorrow

Hello 1.3.1 and 1.4.0 have been released.

1.3.1: Jackson fixAcces(true) and Jackson update to 2.7.9
1.4.0: Jackson and bson4jackson updated to 2.9.x and enhancement of Jongo classes extensibility

You can find more informations here: