Compatibility with latest mongo-java-driver
corrantho opened this issue · 3 comments
Based on the pom.xml, we can see that jongo is relying on mongo-java-driver 3.5 which is, as per mongodb doc, not compatible with MongoDB 3.6+ version.
Is there a plan to make jongo compatible with the latest versions of the mongo-java-driver so we can use it with MongoDB 4.0+?
Have you identified what is blocking to use the latest mongo-java-driver version? Do you need help to solve them?
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Jongo 1.4.0 is compatible with mongodb-java-driver 3.8+ and with MongoDB v4+.
I've created a pull request to force tests to be run against mongodb-java-driver 3.10 and MongoDB v4+
Jongo 1.4.0 is compatible with:
- mongo-java-driver 3.3.0+
- MongoDB 2.6.11+
- jackson 2.7.0+
You can find all the versions tested here :
Feel free to reopen if needed