
Rails application to rate local food and restaurants. Created to be a general solution

Primary LanguageRuby



An app for rating restaurants that you and your coworkers frequent. A local or corporate yelp? I built this specifically for SourceNinja for us to identify the best burrito places close to us.

No Authorization Required

By default uses github for authentication. You can easily add twitter, facebook, etc. I used the omniauth gem and some quick google searches, you can implement what you would like.

Setting Up

  • Clone Repo
  • Setup on Heroku, add a RedisToGo Instance.
  • Create a Github application
  • Add Keys to heroku
heroku config:add GITHUB_ID=XXXXXXXXXXX
heroku config:add REDIS_URL='redis://username:password@my.host:6789'
  • Start Eating, Enjoying, and Rating!


  1. Fork project
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Write your code (and tests please)
  4. Push to your branch's origin
  5. Create a Pull Request from your branch

Running Local

If you run locally, you will need to start a redis server


In another window, type

QUEUE=recommendable rake environment resque:work

This uses the awesome recommendable gem located here.