
More simple steps for log work

fredyrouge opened this issue · 5 comments

For log time now we have this:
Screenshot from 2013-04-08 15:46:52
And you have to select between this this two options but at the end in the report you get the some information:
Screenshot from 2013-04-08 15:51:14

But for log your work you have to use two different interfaces, for non-production is simple:
Screenshot from 2013-04-08 15:54:29

And for resource production is complex:

In this first you have two forms but I not how use this, What in the first and what in the second???
Screenshot from 2013-04-08 15:55:47

And now, i not know if check or not the inputs and the outputs :(
Screenshot from 2013-04-08 16:00:12

My proposition:

In the work page:

Delete the two buttons and put this 4 forms:

Project: [ Project text imput ] Type of work: [ Type of work input ]
Resource creation? [ List (chose/yes/not) ] Resource: [ Resurce imput ]

In the first time resource creation is in "chose" option, if:

  • User chose no -> is like button for log non-production work
  • The user chose yes -> is like button for production work, resource form will be enable (was disable)
    • User chose the resource type -> show inputs, outputs ....
    • show button for log production work

Fredy, Thanks for a well-documented and concrete suggestion.

I don't think the suggested 4 forms will work for all of the variations I've seen for logging resource production. For example, you can have a lot of different kinds of inputs (including citations), and more than one output as well. And you can even have more than one person working on the same process.

But run the idea by the other people who need to use those interfaces. Maybe I don't understand your idea well enough.

Also, I got a couple of followup questions.

  • On the form where you enter resource family names, the second entry field was requested by Daniel and Jonathan. They both do the same thing, but they wanted to pick inputs from more than one family. So maybe you guys can all figure out some way to label them so the use is clear?

The reason for the family name fields is they want to be able to find inputs and outputs and recipe easily and so create a process for logging production more easily, and a lot of resource types have family names. So this was actually a simplification from the first way we did things.

Logging production where you use input resources to create output resources often has a lot of necessary complexity.

Every suggestion from the people who have done it so far has added complexity, not taken it away. Might not be so necessarily complex for the kind of work you are doing, though, so it might seem like overkill to you.

  • As far as inputs and outputs, are those words unclear? Or the idea of outputs from a process and inputs to a process? Think of the inputs as ingredients in a recipe for cookies, and the outputs are the cookies. How can the idea be explained more clearly?

The reason for the family name fields is they want to be able to find inputs and outputs and recipe easily and so create a process for logging production more easily, and a lot of resource types have family names. So this was actually a simplification from the first way we did things.

Hi, is only a case of use of Daniel, I spoke with Jonathan, and we think that a good clean solution is:

Resource family name: [ input form ] [+]
the plus is a button for add other input form.

For the inputs, i think is good idea to put your cookies comment in the interface but:
1- If you are working in the creation of a resource that take some days, or weeks, you have to add the inputs and outputs every day?
2- Some times you are cooking and you think, hummm is good idea add this new ingredient, it wasn't in the list but you add this new ingredient.

What software can i use (in Linux) for put buttons and forms in the canvas and show you suggestion for the interface? I want to help for get a clean and simple interface

1- If you are working in the creation of a resource that take some days, or weeks,
you have to add the inputs and outputs every day?

No, not now. The inputs and outputs are for the whole process. I think Tibi wants to change them to every day, though...

2- Some times you are cooking and you think, hummm is good idea add this new ingredient,
it wasn't in the list but you add this new ingredient.

You can do that from the Labnotes form. See the buttons to add inputs, citations and outputs.

What software can i use (in Linux) for put buttons and forms in the canvas and show you suggestion
for the interface?

I don't know. If you're doing mockups, would be better to have something on the Web rather than desktop.
Google for "web page layout mockup". I haven't used any of them, so have no opinion.

Best would be to fork the project, rough out the interface in place, get some feedback from the gang who has to use it, and issue a pull request.

I spoke with Jonathan, and we think that a good clean solution is:
Resource family name: [ input form ] [+]
the plus is a button for add other input form.

I have thought about this and have to disagree with you guys, sorry. I think the + is more obscure than just offering two entry fields on the main canvas. Now somebody new needs to figure out what the + does, and it does something different from what a + button does in other places in the system.

How about if the entry field label says "Enter one or two resource family names"?