amFOSS tasks - Kalidindi Bhavana

This is Bhavana, fresher at Amrita School of Engineering (EAC 2020).

Table of Contents

Task Description
Introspection Introduction
Task-00 Installing Ubuntu
Task-01 Star all the amFOSS repositories
Task-02 Nickname in IRC Freenode
Task-08 Sir Perceval's Quest
Task-11 Poster
Task-12 Codechef
Task-14 Bandit
Task-15 Project Euler
Task-03 Hackerrank(pending)
Task-04 Debugging(pending)
Task-05 Webscraping using Rust(pending)
Task-06 Geddit(pending)
Task-07 Ubiquitious UI(pending)
Task-09 Spammer Spaghetti(pending)
Task-10 CS50(pending)
Task-13 Circuit Design(pending)

My views on all these tasks

All the tasks were interesting and I learnt many things, even if there were tasks for which I was not able to find the solutions I definitely learnt a lot.

How it helped me?

Everyday when I did these tasks i learned something new in coding. Discord and Git were something I heard for the first time through this club. So, even before attempting the tasks I learnt about two new things. The journey so far was really good. Not only that it also helped me on personal level like I am basically an introvert person and I never message in groups. I guess my first group message was on machamp in discord. I never thought I will be able to speak up and ask doubts which I never do, not even in my classes but I did it here. So, this definitely helped me a lot. I am looking forward to what more I could learn from this club and wish to be a part of it.