My First React/Next js Project

I really liked writing projects in vuejs because of it's simplicity but I always wanted to try out react to further explore the js ecosystem. I've put in a lot of effort in developing this application while learning both react and nextjs on the go. Originally, This was a frontend mentor challenge. I got only 3 page design for the challenge and everything beyond that I've designed on my own.

Project doesn't have much features to cover every use-case for the end-user but have enough which makes it usable.

Project Info

  • Scope: Full-stack
  • Tech Stack: NextJs, Tailwindcss, vercel

Project Objectives

  • To learn react and nextjs
  • To learn more about ssr and ssg
  • To explore component composition patterns
  • Implement performance optimization techniques

My journey of learning both react and nextjs was painful. since I decided to not to take a video course, just to stay away from tutorial hell instead I mostly focused on learning from official documentation, blogs, youtube videos, etc. Overall, it was all worth it.

Thank you for reading! 😄