
JSON with escaped null byte in URL isn't properly displayed

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Example JSON to reproduce issue:

  "Foo": [
      "bar": "baz\u0000baz"
  "anything here": "will not be displayed"

Here's what I get:
screen shot 2017-06-28 at 11 18 29 pm
Could you describe what you expected to see? What version of JSONView and Firefox are you using?

Sorry, it seems like it's related to \u000 in URL in JSON. This reproduces problem:

    "Links": [
            "Value": "\u0000null"
    "foo": "Bar"

screen shot 2017-06-29 at 11 07 32

Firefox 54.0, OS X 10.12.5, JSONView 1.2.4.

This works in JSONView 2.0.0: