
Support for Firefox 57

mitar opened this issue ยท 20 comments

mitar commented

It seems this plugin will be disabled in Firefox 57. :-(

See #151.

mitar commented

I checked the built-in JSON viewer, but it is terrible. Arrays are displayed like an object.

It is still disabled in Firefox 57.

After updating my Mac this add-on got disable and becomes incompatible
screen shot 2017-11-22 at 1 21 02 pm

JSONView was my favourite JSON add-on, would be glad if it would work in FF Quantum.

JSONView will support Quantum in a few months.

kaecy commented

In a few months? We can't wait that long. Okay i'll wait. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I've posted a bounty for this issue.


Please consider adding to the bounty to encourage and reward @bhollis.

@bhollis we believe in you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I've tried a few others as replacements and none are as useful as jsonview.

As far as I can see, Firefox 58 now supports application/hal+json natively. It show the standard JSON firefox view with the tree view, raw json and headers.

kaecy commented

If you still want to use this extension you can with waterfox. There is life left in this extension.

And this helps in using the extension with Firefox how?
You can also stay with a pre-WebExtensions version of Firefox to continue using it.
But that does help the same, which is, almost not.

JSONView will be compatible with modern Firefox soon, potentially this weekend.

kaecy commented

Waterfox not only supports old extensions but newer chrome style ones too. It's a win-win!

@kaecy a browser is not only about extensions. It is also about support, maintenance bug-fixes and continued development. Can you estimate on these? Besides that, Bing as default search engine? Really? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

kaecy commented

It's your choice. I'm not forcing you. If you have questions you can ask them at waterfox forums.

JSONView is now compatible with Firefox 57+ and Google Chrome.

kaecy commented

Awesome! It works with waterfox/56.1. To install from you have to change the user_agent to Firefox/57.

Love it! Works for me. Don't forget to claim your (modest) bounty.