
Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 256 (line 1 column 257)

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
When I open this example json file, this error message pops up

What browser are you using?*
Its version is 2.6.1, and it uses Microsoft's Edge browser for Mac, with the version number 123.0.2420.65.

Where did you install JSONView from?
Installed JSONView from the Microsoft Edge browser's extension marketplace.


There does seem to be some problem with the Chinese version of Edge. Unfortunately I can't easily reproduce on my own versions of Edge or Chrome. Any ideas what would be different?

I'm seeing it with the English version (123.0.2420.65) of Edge on Windows 10:


JSONView 2.6.1 installed from the Chrome Web Store. It opens fine using JSONView 2.6.1 on Firefox.

Interesting! This would be a good puzzle for someone who has the free time (i.e. not me) to figure out and fix. A good starting point for the investigation would be that:

  1. This appears to be specific to Edge.
  2. The phrase "Code folding" does not come from anywhere in JSONView's code.
  3. JSONView in Chrome-based browsers uses the contents of the browser's default HTML-ization of the JSON text, which up until now consisted of just the JSON text in a <pre> tag.