
resolve-url-loader cannot operate: CSS error with commented line in css file

Closed this issue · 12 comments

I raised this issue on stack overflow ( )

Building a vue.js app w webpack, and using resolve-url-loader for external css library loading ( aos css animation library ) , I got an error when building my app...

I discover that the the aos.css file has a comented last lien at the end


Withi this line in the aos.css code , I get an error compilation phase

` WARNING  Compiled with 1 warnings                                                            08:12:05

 warning  in ./node_modules/aos/dist/aos.css

(Emitted value instead of an instance of Error)   resolve-url-loader cannot operate: CSS error
  ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/yves/Developments/WIP/VUE.JS/hello-    vue/node_modules/
   at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:646:18)`

If I suppress this line, then compilation is OK

I asked michalsnik why this commented line is still in the aos.css file , but I don't understand why the resolve-url-loader take it in account , it's a commented line after all..

thanks for clarifying this issue ...

@Erwin16 this line is referencing a source-map on the file system. Certainly some source-map is necessary for `resolve-url-loader to do its thing.

Usually the resolve-url-loader is not the first loader in the chain. The source-map comes through the webpack internals and not specified in the file source-map comment.

From the error though, it seems like (under the hood) rework can also load the source-map from the source file when it parses it. It seems that the file is simply not present in the dist directory.

@bholloway I'm coming here because I was waiting for the fix of #79. Now, since you've rolled out the fix on npm, I have the same issue that @Erwin16 encountered. This happened without a source code or webpack configuration change and did not occur in webpack < 4. Feel free to dig into it:

julkue/form-components#9 (review)

I'm looking forward to a fix that I can update to webpack 4.

@bholloway I've noticed that I can't reproduce the error via Travis CI, only on my Windows 10 machine.

@julmot I cannot easily see from your Webpack config what the problem might be. Are you getting exactly the same error?

@bholloway Almost identical, yes. The yellow part is printed a few times, then the red part a few times afterwards.


Can you reproduce it locally?

$ git clone && cd form-components && git checkout greenkeeper/webpack-4.0.0 && npm install && npm run build

@julmot I encounter

$ npm run build
Warning: fontforge not found. Please install fontforge and all other requirements: Use --force to continue.

However this runs fine on MacOS

npm run webpack:dev

I am just spinning up a windows 10 environment now.


> npm run webpack:dev

I see an error in select-lite-arrow.scss.

So then I go into node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js and hack this...

function resolveUrlLoader(content, sourceMap) {
  if (/select-lite-arrow\.scss/.test(this.resourcePath)) {

I get this at the top of the output...


Which looks like the bug is in some loader preceding resolve-url-loader.

But I suggest you use adjust-source-map-loader in your loader chain and set it to debug mode.

}, {
  loader: 'resolve-url-loader'
}, {
  loader: 'adjust-sourcemap-loader',
  options: {
    debug: /select-lite-arrow\.scss/
}, {
  loader: 'postcss-loader',

This gives diagnoses the same bad sourcemap with less hackery.

So at this point we can say the fault is either postcss-loader OR sass-loader is at fault.

        @ C:\Users\IEUser\Documents\bholloway\form-components\node_modules\postcss-loader\lib\index.js??ref--5-5
    INPUT C:\Users\IEUser\Documents\bholloway\form-components\src\components\select\select-lite-arrow\C:\Users\IEUser\Documents\bholloway\form-components\src\components\select\select-lite-arrow\select-lite-arrow.scss

If you move adjust-sourcemap-loader forward you will see that sass-loader has a good output.

        @ C:\Users\IEUser\Documents\bholloway\form-components\node_modules\sass-loader\lib\loader.js??ref--5-6
    INPUT src\components\select\select-lite-arrow\select-lite-arrow.scss
 ABSOLUTE C:\Users\IEUser\Documents\bholloway\form-components\src\components\select\select-lite-arrow\select-lite-arrow.scss

Therefore I would say postcss-loader is at fault.

EDIT - Definitely a Windows problem. Here is the output of postcss-loader in MacOS. It is absolute but correct.

        @ /Users/bholloway/Documents/bholloway/form-components/node_modules/postcss-loader/lib/index.js??ref--5-5
    INPUT /Users/bholloway/Documents/bholloway/form-components/src/components/select/select-lite-arrow/select-lite-arrow.scss
 ABSOLUTE /Users/bholloway/Documents/bholloway/form-components/src/components/select/select-lite-arrow/select-lite-arrow.scss

@julmot please confirm my analysis if possible. From looking at the attached issue in postcss-loader they seem pretty adamant that its a resolve-url-loader problem. What am I missing?

@bholloway I've tried the fix of webpack-contrib/postcss-loader#340 (comment) and I can confirm it's working.

Looks like mozilla/source-map (used by postcss) has considered paths to be URIs for at least 2 years. Hence this silly concatenation on windows.

I note that postcss state that "you should always set 'to' to generate correct source maps". I would bet this avoids the issue most of the time.

I'm going to mark this as invalid based on @julmot 's issue.

@Erwin16 sorry for the initial delay, I can reopen this if you need further help. I think your stackoverflow issue confirms my initial guess. I would suggest having 2 different rules for css so that raw css files do not encounter resolve-url-loader, only your transpiled ones.

Please feel free to comment further here.