
Clarifications about what is going to be covered

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  • Data Ingestion & Storage
    • Not exactly clear what should be covered?
    • Just the various data formats and ways to store them?
    • Some of those things are more related to web scrapping, but it's too early to do a web scrapping tutorial
  • Data Objects in R: Data.Frames & Data.Tables
    • Assuming this is the intro to R lesson?
    • Would teaching both dataframes AND data.table at the same time be really confusing?
    • I would suggest teach dataframes first, and push data.table to later on otherwise there's 2 totally different bits of syntax that newcomers to R will struggle through
  • Functions & Looping in R: Functions & Parameters; 'for' loops vs apply family
    • I can move the 'making choices' part (6/1) in here as well (it's talking about if statements).
    • Do you want to cover the purrr package here?
  • Data Visualization & Exploration in R
    • Is Josh teaching base graphics or ggplot?
    • Does it matter? or should we standardize what is being used?
  • Geographic data
    • Currently in 2 locations:
      • 5/25 Spatial Data Objects in R: Spatial Data.Frames [point, line, polygon], Rasters
      • 6/2 Training: Working with Geographic Data in R
  • Make
    • Do you want to add make to the training (for the graduate students)?
  • Text analysis
    • Do we want to add this anywhere?
    • tidytext package
  • Web Scrapping
    • Do we want to cover this too?
  • Python
    • If students ask, would we be able to fir this in anywhere?