Unity crashes on exit standalone app
Closed this issue · 3 comments
hi, thank you for the awesome library.
I'm faced with a problem that crash (freeze) on Unity standalone app.
It seems to be related body tracking.
How to reproduce
- Make new scene on Unity
- Create a game object for K4A
- Attach "CaptureManager" and "SkeletonProvider" to the object
- Save and Build scene (Standalone, Windows x86_64)
- Open build folder and check DLLs (I placed on same directory of .exe)
- Open the application and wait few seconds (Because it takes time to use body tracking)
- Press Alt+F4 (I tried quit by coding but same result)
How can I safely quit?
Hello @ShogoTakagi,
Thank you for reporting and sorry for delayed reply. I cannot reproduce such crashing, but I've addressed minor improvements in the latest version that can help. Could you please give it a try.
experiencing a similar issue. in the editor the program exits successfully. once compiled the program becomes non-responsive on exit.
it seems to be a azure kinect problem
*i should point out am not using the latest release. just wanted to identify its not a unique issue
@ShogoTakagi the latest version fixes this issue. The k4a.dll, onnxruntime.dll ... files need to be left in the .\Plugins folder (previously I had to move them to the .\build folder for the body tracking to work).
thank you @bibigone