
Feature Request: Due date sorting

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello @bicarbon8 , nice project!
Any plans in adding to add sorting by due date?

hi @luisfsr, apologies for not responding sooner; I don't get much time to work on personal projects these days. I'll see what I can do to address your feature request. Cheers.

@luisfsr in looking back at the official syntax of a todo.txt file there is no due date per-se, and instead there is a tag:value format which will accept any freeform text. Because of this I wouldn't be able to support ordering by due date as there is no requirement around due date. The only other options are ordering by created date and completed date

Image of Todo.txt formatting

as a side note, this webapp doesn't currently support the tag:value concept so that is something I can look into adding support for in the future.