
Model PlugS is not supported

Janorei opened this issue · 7 comments

Describe the bug

File "", line 3121, in
ValueError: model plusplugs is not supported, please open an issue here
2024-03-16 18:54:23.108 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [] Error executing script: model plusplugs is not supported, please open an issue here
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/python_script/", line 269, in execute
exec(compiled.code, restricted_globals) # noqa: S102

Expected behavior
Plug S Model should be supported


  • Home Assistant:
    Core 2024.3.0
    Supervisor 2024.03.0
    Operating System 12.0
    Frontend 20240306.0
  • Shellies Discovery GEN2: Newest
  • Shelly device firmware: Newest

Shellies Discovery GEN2 automation:

Shelly device MQTT settings:

Debug log:

Plus Plug S is supported for ages. Please provide more information or the issue will be closed.


Ich habe das selber fixen können im Python Script, der Shelly hat folgende device Info:

  "web_id": "240213111718-ce341dc8-HEAD",
  "deviceInfo": {
    "name": null,
    "id": "plusplugs-xxxxxx47b9a4",
    "mac": "xxxxxx47B9A4",
    "slot": 1,
    "key": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzM4NCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MDIwMTUyNTMsIm1hYyI6IkU0NjVCODQ3QjlBNCIsIm0iOiJTTlBMLTAwMTEyRVUiLCJiIjoiMjM0My1Ccm9hZHdlbGxDdWNvIiwiZnAiOiIwNzYzZGRhMiJ9.KyPRGx-x1_4OKZniZX4V7aIhpQnAi_QMZQrFiRyi9gxEO8CPFxhjMhCSxLqH7M7ebJ9BuS6N_JB-4T6Qumz763RGRYqHFrpM4wDxZBaC2P1gKFmB-GM8oIiMoMoQl9fp",
    "batch": "2343-BroadwellCuco",
    "fw_sbits": "04",
    "model": "SNPL-00112EU",
    "gen": 2,
    "fw_id": "20240228-070935/1.2.3-gbd3eceb",
    "ver": "1.2.3",
    "app": "PlusPlugS",
    "auth_en": false,
    "auth_domain": null

und nicht wie im Script:

MODEL_PLUS_PLUG_S = "shellyplusplugs"

The official language here is English. Please translate your comments. Thanks.

"id": "plusplugs-xxxxxx47b9a4",

Your device ID is wrong, should be shellyplusplugs-xxxxxx47b9a4. You need to ask Shelly support why the ID is wrong.

"id": "plusplugs-xxxxxx47b9a4",

Your device ID is wrong, should be shellyplusplugs-xxxxxx47b9a4. You need to ask Shelly support why the ID is wrong.
I recognized that, and fixed in in my locale Python Script. Now IT works.

I recognized that and have fixed IT in my lokal Python Script. Now IT works well.

The fact that the ID is incorrect is very suspicious, you should clarify this with Shelly support.