
/kill RESTful API does not work

AndroidDesigner opened this issue · 2 comments


BifroMQ version: 3.3.2

I have an active subscriber:

 mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 1883 -i test1 -u test1 -P 123456 -t "test"

Now I call the /kill API:

//kill all:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8091/kill -H "tenant_id:DevOnly" -H "client_type: MQTT"

//kill specific client:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8091/kill -H "tenant_id:DevOnly" -H "client_type: MQTT" -H "user_id: test1" -H "client_id: test1"

it returns 200, but nothing happens and my subscriber is connected yet.

mosquitto_sub reconnects automatically. You can enable its debug output with the -d option and check out what’s going on underneath, or use other client tools for verification.

You're absolutely right!