
unable to write to google api.GoogleProductSearchMappings.all(idNo).update()

sabotagebeats opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected behavior

the following code should enable google shopping

google = api.GoogleProductSearchMappings.all(idNo).update(enabled=True)
print google 

Actual behavior

google = api.GoogleProductSearchMappings.all(idNo).update(enabled=True)
print google 


No change in item google shopping settings

Steps to reproduce behavior

google = api.GoogleProductSearchMappings.all(idNo).update(enabled=True)
print google 

I also tried

google = api.GoogleProductSearchMappings.get(idNo).update(enabled=True)
print google

but i got the following error:

TypeError: get() takes at least 3 arguments (3 given)

According to the bigcommerce community forums response this item is not writeable