
Is there a way to update products in batches (more than 1 at a time)?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently, I'm using the following to update information about a single product.


Is there a way to update multiple products? I've tried something like this, but got a 404 error.

api.Products.get([123, 456]).update(inventory_level=20)

404 Not Found @ products/[123,456]: b'[{"status":404,"message":"The requested resource was not found."}]'

BigCommerce allow 10 product updates at a time, so I'm trying to see if that is possible.

Hello there @HaiSycamore -- The Python API tool is currently using Catalog V2 API calls to make requests, you can find more info about the V2 Catalog API on our DevCenter here:

The capability you describe is added with the V3 Catalog API, and you can follow progress for the open issue to upgrade our Python API tool here: #56