
NPE on bdvhandleframe.getViewerPanel().getSplitPanel() + access to location of the division

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In this line :

cards = bdv.getViewerFrame().getCardPanel();

The splitPanel field is not initialized.

Also, the setDividerSize method can be accessed, but it's not so useful because it just changes the size of the gap between the image and the sidepanel. As far as I understand, an access to the method setLocation(x,y) could be more useful, even if omitting the y argument setSplitPanelDivisionLocation(y) could be even more convenient.

I can make a PR if you wish

The splitPanel field is not initialized.

Oops... Yes, a PR would be very welcome!

Also, the setDividerSize method can be accessed, but it's not so useful because it just changes the size of the gap between the image and the sidepanel. As far as I understand, an access to the method setLocation(x,y) could be more useful, even if omitting the y argument setSplitPanelDivisionLocation(y) could be even more convenient.

I don't really get it. Could you explain what you want to do? There is SplitPanel.setDividerLocation(int) (inherited from JSplitPanel) and SplitPanel.setCollapsed(boolean).

Here you go for the PR :


And my mistake for the setDividerLocation : I only looked at the methods in SplitPanel and not at the ones inherited from JSplitPanel. Everything was there and accessible.

Done in the merged PR above