
bdv.util.volatiles.VolatileViews.wrapAsVolatile no longer accepts bdv.util.volatiles.SharedQueue

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This change in VolatileViews removed rather than deprecated several function signatures:

For example, bdv.util.volatiles.VolatileViews.wrapAsVolatile no longer accepts bdv.util.volatiles.SharedQueue as a the second argument. It now only accepts bdv.cache.SharedQueue.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: bdv.util.volatiles.VolatileViews.wrapAsVolatile(Lnet/imglib2/RandomAccessibleInterval;Lbdv/util/volatiles/SharedQueue;Lnet/imglib2/cache/volatiles/CacheHints;)Lnet/imglib2/RandomAccessibleInterval;
    at org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.bdv.N5VolatileSource.getSource(
    at org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.bdv.N5Viewer.addSourceToListsRealType(
    at org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.bdv.N5Viewer.addSourceToListsGenericType(
    at org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.bdv.N5Viewer.buildN5Sources(
    at org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.bdv.N5Viewer.exec(
    at org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.bdv.N5Viewer.lambda$run$2(
    at org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.ui.DatasetSelectorDialog.ok(
    at org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.ui.DatasetSelectorDialog.lambda$run$5(

Perhaps a deprecated form of bdv.util.volatiles.VolatileViews.wrapAsVolatile could be re-added that accepts the deprecated bdv.util.volatiles.SharedQueue

The fix for downstream dependencies is to replace import bdv.util.volatiles.SharedQueue with import bdv.cache.SharedQueue.

Argh... I let bdv.util.volatiles.SharedQueue extends bdv.cache.SharedQueue to avoid this problem. But, of course, ... binary compatibility... At least it should be fixable by rebuilding.
Changing to the non-deprecated SharedQueue is better, of course. Thanks Mark!

I added back the deprecated signatures 0a6d637 and released bigdataviewer-vistools-1.0.0-beta-31.

@ctrueden What is the best way get to get it into Fiji? Can I just push to the update site or is there a more formal process now?

Can I just push to the update site

Yes, go ahead and upload it straight to Java-8. Unfortunately, due to other priorities, it will probably be another year before we can establish anything more formal. The good news is that deploying hot-fixes with the current scheme is super fast and easy.

What I do hope to get in place very soon is melting-pot CI testing, in response to changes to pom-scijava on the main branch. That will catch problems, but of course doesn't stop people from upload changes to Java-8 before they make their way into pom-scijava (which is backwards from how it ultimately should work).

Ok, I pushed it.