
Add toSourceAndConverter convenience method

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I added a convenience method

public static < T extends RealType< T > > List< SourceAndConverter< T > > toSourceAndConverter(
 			final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img,
 			final Converter< T, ARGBType > converter,
 			final AxisOrder axisOrder,
 			final AffineTransform3D sourceTransform,
 			final String... names )

that creates a List< SourceAndConverter< ? > > from a RandomAccessibleInterval< T > and a Converter< T, ARGBType >:

This makes it easy, for example, to create a standalone ViewerPanel just from a RandomAccessibleInterval.

Would it make sense to add this to master?

@hanslovsky as mentioned on gitter, there is a standalone ViewerPanel already.

Does this make this PR obsolete?

@hanslovsky ... nevertheless, this looks useful

I think it would make sense to pull it out as a common part of addStackSourceARGBType and addStackSourceRealType.

I'll look into it while merging your PRs

I agree. Right now, I just have it only for RandomAccessibleInterval but it would make sense for all other cases, as well. Let me know if you want me to do that.

With the recent changes in bdv-vistools this has become obsolete for me. Re-open this issue if you think it is still valid.