
eslint compiler for vim -- shows lint errors in location list

Primary LanguageVimL

Vim JSHint

A vim compiler plugin to run eslint.


  1. Install eslint globally:

    sudo npm install -g eslint

  2. Install this plugin -- eg. using plugin manager such asVundle or Pathogen

After you open a .js file, and save it, it will run eslint on the file and report errors in the location window. It will jump to the location of the first error.

It has 2 options, controlled by global vars:

let g:eslint_onwrite = 1

will cause it to run when file is saved. Default is on/1

let g:eslint_goto_error = 1

will cause it to jump to first error. Default is off/0.

ALso, running the command


will trigger linting of current file.