
teensy library that play led frames from SD card

Primary LanguageC++


Teensy library that play led frames from SD card. Library was written and tested for teensy 3.5, with OctoWS2811 and builtin SD slot on the board. Version 2.0.0 tested on teensy 4.1, with OctoWS2811 and builtin SD slot on the board.


Download the library as zip. open Arduino IDE and go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP library...


User should have micro SD card with compatible files, in the format specified below. Goto File -> Examples -> ll-teensy-player to see a few examples on how to use. To use the library, #include "SdLedsPlayer.h" in your code, then define an object of type SdLedsPlayer. The object constructor receives number of pixels in each of the 8 strings, and two buffers for led data which the user mush define and supply to the library.

Main loop

The library let the user handle the main loop, so that extra logic can be done between every frame.

User should call the function void setup() once to initialize the object.

Then call the function void load_file(const char *file_name) to open a new file from the SD for display. The loaded file format should contain:

  • The file does not have a file header. only frame buffers.
  • N frames
  • Each frame contains 4 bytes of timestamp data and (8 * leds_per_strip) pixels. it is the user's responsibility to check that the loaded file was generated with the correct amount of pixels per strip.
  • Each pixel should contain 3 bytes of data. the data will be sent to the LED modules in the order found in the file, so user should match the file's RGB ordering to the LED hardware RGB order.

To load a frame from the open file to the led array call unsigned long load_next_frame, the returned value is the frame timestamp from start of song in milliseconds, used for frame timing purposes.
Function return a positive number if all goes well, and 0 in case of error (no file loaded \ end of file \ corrupt data).
Then user can apply any desired appl-logic and call the function void show_next_frame() to send the loaded frame to the actual LEDs.

To detect if a new file should be loaded, user can call bool is_file_playing(). If the function returns false, a new file should be loaded to the library.

Added features

  • bool setBrightness() function to set global brightness levels (0-255), default is full brightness (255)
  • load_file() function now supports loading of new file before previous file finished, replacing it with new file
  • void stop_file() function, closes the currently playing file if there is one playing