- 4
loading history from server with authentication
#3031 opened - 2
Ajax requests fail on version 2.0.3
#3025 opened - 10
Unable to disable inherit for hx-ext with hx-disinherit or htmx.config.disableInheritance
#3016 opened - 2
HTMX Form multipart fails to upload file in production - Empty request - Both [2.0.3] and [1.9.3] !!
#3008 opened - 2
- 6
Wrong detail.elt for htmx:beforeSwap
#3000 opened - 4
Custom modal in examples not working
#2999 opened - 0
Use Zopfli for gzip compression
#2998 opened - 2
Fix illegal invocation using FormData proxy
#2995 opened - 1
Documentation on Writing Extensions
#2993 opened - 0
- 8
idiomorph error - undefined swapStyle
#2987 opened - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
hx-indicator: specify minimum waiting time
#2975 opened - 2
Offline docs?
#2974 opened - 5
- 6
- 8
how to install htmx 2 via jsdelivr
#2971 opened - 5
- 1
Fix typo in URL to prevent broken link redirect
#2961 opened - 2
HX-Location broken in 2.0.3: htmx:targetError
#2958 opened - 0
Swap in place
#2956 opened - 1
Version 2.0.3 marked as latest in NPM
#2954 opened - 3
Preserve scroll on swap content
#2953 opened - 2
htmx inside svg `foreignObject`
#2952 opened - 3
#2947 opened - 2
- 4
- 1
- 4
HX-Refresh triggers POST in htmx 2.0.2
#2941 opened - 2
- 1
web socket fallback to htmx when disconnected
#2935 opened - 0
- 8
Memory leak (chromium based browsers only)
#2927 opened - 2
- 7
hx-preserve does not work in oob-swapped content
#2922 opened - 4
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 5
- 8
Htmx + alpine problems
#2910 opened - 7
- 5
- 3
How do we programmatically change htmx config?
#2907 opened - 5
Inherit hx-vals for swapped in items
#2906 opened - 0
ws is breaks when use hx-swap-oob with id=""
#2905 opened - 3