
duplicate and missing code in print version: SERIOUS

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This seems like a very serious issue! Often when a code example is split across pages, there is either a missing line of code or several duplicate lines of code. Fortunately I can get the missing code from the online version and write it into my book. I'm currently on page 180 and have encountered this issue many times.

For example, on page 180 the last line should be the following, but it is missing:

<button hx-get="/contacts">

Examples of duplicate code can be found between these pages:
59-60, 64-65, 70-71, 118-119, 133-134, 205-206, 210-211, 254-255, 266-267, 268-269, 290-291, 318-319, 326-327, 331-332

Examples of missing code (typically just one line) can be found between these pages:
129-130, 132-133 (missing line of text, not code), 176-177, 180-181

Perhaps there is a problem in the process that converts the book content into the pages since none of these issues exist in the online version.

Is anyone actively investigating this issue?

Yes, work is underway on a corrected print version. This will take some time, as it involves waiting for & checking new printed samples.

Hmm, I wonder if this is related to issue #106 : "A few code snippets in part II have horizontal scroll bar
These code blocks are cropped when printed to pdf."

1cg commented

Here is a screenshot for pages 64-65 from the amazon previewer, the look correct to me. Is this the content you are referring to @mvolkmann ?



No, that's not what I'm referring to. I mean blocks of code that are split across page boundaries. For example, look at the code labelled 'Inputs and labels for the "new contact" form' that appears across pages 64 and 65 in my printed copy of the book. There are 13 duplicated lines of code.

1cg commented

are these the correct pages:

Can you post a photo of the pages?

Here's one example.

1cg commented

@mvolkmann can you tell me exactly what the error is on that page? Thank you for doing this!

1cg commented

OK I see the issue, the email inputs are repeated twice!

I am looking at the proof and it definitely does not have this, so this is almost certainly an amazon printing issue.

Very sorry about that, I will reach out to them to discuss. Can you take a higher resolution picture of the issue?

This one is higher resolution. Note that this one of many examples where this happens in the book. I listed all of them in this issue.


You didn't get them all above :( - for example, pages 85/86 have missing text (rather than code); another example is 226/227, but there are plenty of others.

Started reading a hard copy of the book this week and have the same print issues mentioned here - I am noticing many instances of missing text at page transitions.

1cg commented

@reubenfirmin this to me indicates that it is a printing error, @mvolkmann can you confirm pages 85/86 are correct for you?

@dleopold can you confirm that your print issues are the exact same as above?

I spoke with amazon and they do not have a way to show me the current PDF being used to print. However, given that the book was professionally edited the chance this is a PDF error seems very low.

I did not check them all, but every error @mvolkmann identified that i did check is present in my printed copy.

1cg commented

OK, I have ordered another hard copy from amazon and will cross-reference. Seems like a printing issue, given the issue occurs at page boundaries and is inconsistent. Frustrating.

1cg commented

@mvolkmann we have come to the conclusion that the amazon self publishing process has quality control issues, none of these errors appear in the book we submitted to them. We are in the process of moving to a new self-publisher that has better reviews.