
Mobile Code missing? (xml templates)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I know this isn't a big deal, but i'm painstakingly trying to define my styles to match the examples in the book :)

All styles are omitted from book examples, understandably. Would be great it it were uploaded here, for easy comparison/checking.

Hi @adamwoolhether , all of the code is available in a Github repository, including the styles and templates for each chapter. See this issue for the the full list: #125

I should add this to the main website to make it easier to find!

@adamstep Thanks a ton. Really helps me getting moving towards the direction i want. Cheers!

Hey Adam. I really appreciate your attention to this!

Yes, I put the behaviors in the demo/src/HyperviewScreen.tsx file to get it working. Couldn't get it to work just using the HyperviewScreen.js example shown in the book.

But this is a deficit on my side more than anything: need to study how to build my own App with expo from scratch rather than relying on the hyperview/demo app.

Got a fully-functioning implementation of book's Contact app, including the mobile aspect, with Go:

Now to start building an actual thing what my new superpowers :D

Very cool! Do you mind if I share this implementation more widely?

That would be an honor if you did. 👍🏼