S42B 2.0 Closed Loop Not Working.
rennwaffen opened this issue · 3 comments
Just installed the new S42B 2.0, and closed loop doesn't seem to want to work. I'm waiting on a response from BTT (which takes a little while) so I figured I'd ask here in the meantime. I also have a V1.1 on my X axis that works flawlessly. Any idea as to what the issue could be?
Calibration went fine (Supposedly)
DIP 3 is set to ON
DIP 1, 2, 4 are set to OFF
32 Microstepping
Tried currents as high as 1000mA (2000 setting) with no luck.
Board: SKR 1.4 Turbo
Notice the deg. value not changing as the axis moves:
Swap one one of the phase polarity or DirPin direction in the menu:
#33 (comment)
There is another issue posted that may be your issue. DIP 2 is for Closed Loop mode. DIP 1 is for Calibration. DIP 3 and 4 are for subdivision.
I know this is from a while back, but for any other poor bastard looking for a solution, try this