
Wrong whereHasIn Result

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Let's say we have 2 models, Student and ClassRoom with relationship Students hasOne with latestOfMany to ClassRoom.

public function latestClassRoom(): HasOne
    return $this->hasOne(Order::class)->latestOfMany();

Let's say the records are:

students table

id name
1 Aldy

class_rooms table

id name student_id
1 A1 1
2 A2 1
3 A3 1
4 A4 1

When you try:

$students = Student::where('id', 1)->whereHasIn('latestClassRoom', function($query) {
    $query->where('name', 'A1');

The $students will still return the Aldy records, but when you try using whereHas, it will return null.

The right answer is null because the latest classRoom is not A1, but A1.

Thanks feedback!

Yeah, this is a bug, I will fix it later.

The issue fixed with package v2.2.0, then I will close it.

If you meet others problems, welcome feedback!