
No longer working in Chrome on Windows 10

Closed this issue · 7 comments

audas commented

As per title.

Button no longer appears to open image - only googles "view" button appears.

audas commented

Sorry - what do you mean "not as planned" - its exactly how it is meant to work is it not? Have had this extension for years and have always been able to view the image - now I can ONLY visit the website where the image is to be found?

Clearly its broken on chrome which you claim to support.

ner00 commented

How about you just read #251 (comment) and quit the drama?

audas commented

I have read it. Am not causing drama, your comment made absolutely no sense what so ever "not as planned". What does that even meant?

How about some basic manners?

ner00 commented

It's not my comment, it's the dev's reason for closing, which I also don't really understand why it was worded in that way, but... my point is that, if you actually have read the comment I linked, as you claim to have, then you would have understood that the issue is fixed and Google is the one delaying the update.

Now, your previous comment was essentially just a rant how it doesn't work, because you seem to have chosen to completely ignore the explanation given that, yes, it was broken, and now it isn't because it has been fixed, and that Google is slow to push updates to the webstore.

So yeah, going in circles about the wording of the reason for closing this duplicate issue is just begging for needless drama.

audas commented

"not as planned"

Pretty sure you are causing needless drama here. But keep on being rude, ignoring peoples points and insulting people.

bijij commented

Hi @audas apologies for not replying to you earlier, "Not planned" is just github's way of wording the closure reason for any non directly resolved issue, I personally agree especially for duplicate issues it's a terrible way to word it because most users are going to interpret it exactly as you did.


I apologise for any misunderstanding this has caused, you can read in this comment about what's happening from here.