
Invalid Type= "fixed" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/korla/places/symbolic/"

Closed this issue · 51 comments

Hello, since the new release I see this warning on the command line repeated several times
Invalid Type= "fixed" line for icon theme: "/usr/share/icons/korla/places/symbolic/"
Maybe because you wrote "fixed" starting with lowercase in index.theme. If you add me to the contributors, I'll try to fix on my own and you can release a new version.

Besides, I miss an icon in Dolphin. As you can see from the screenshot attached, Linux filesystem mounted devices in the left bar has Breeze icon. Do you know why? I think it should have same icon as "Basic Data Partition" (Windows partition) by your theme. That happened also with previous versions.


And do not forget to add license in the root directory (if you add me to the contributors, I'll do it).


Hi, it would be really nice if You could cover technical side of this theme. I've added You as contributor.
I checked yesterday plasma on vm, many icons are not showing up. On Budgie those icons different (as you can see from screenshots). These in kde from "devices" and "places". This icon could be "drive-harddisk.svg". We need to find out naming for file system in kde.
screenshot from 2018-12-14 12 3a37 3a20
On Budgie ok with file system

Changed to Type=Fixed and the warnings are gone.
I'll try to find the missing icon on my Dolphin.

It's drive-harddisk-root-symbolic.svg in breeze/devices/symbolic/.

Added icon but in devices/scalable . Does it work? But panel icons on plasma not from theme. How is on your side?

Wait, there's a big problem. If I download the master zip and copy korla directory in $HOME/.local/share/icons/ I can't see a lot of icons. That's because some of them have your ownership without permissions to read from other users.

Let's try fo fix this first. If you have them installed locally, please, give these commands.
chmod 755 $(find "$HOME/.local/share/icons/" -type d)
chmod 644 $(find "$HOME/.local/share/icons/" -type f)

If there are no issues from command line, reupload korla folder.

I'm not sure if I did it right. I don't see any difference on plasma. What about new icons, I will add in future? Should I run same commands each time I add them?

Permission is OK now, but I can't still access a lot of icons. It seems lots of symlink are missing. Do you see symlinks on your system?

For permissions, you don't have to run same command every time you add them, just make sure new files have the permission to be read by other users.

Installed locally old 0.8.0 version and everything works except type=fixed warnings.
Maybe you did something wrong in changing permissions and overwrote symlinks.

I gave same commands on my system and symlinks are still there, so I don't know why they're missing after your last upload.

It's fine on my system all links are ok. But I cant push again, everything is up to date...

Found the issue. My bad. Downloading the master zip file does not preserve the symlinks. I had to run git clone from command line. I will see if everything is OK.

Unfortunately no. It does not show. Even if I symlink drive-harddisk-root-symbolic.svg to drive-harddisk-symbolic.svg in devices/symbolic. :(

Must be some other nameing needed for this

Yes, it's not drive-harddisk-root-symbolic.svg, but drive-harddisk-root.svg linked to drive-harddisk.svg in scalable. You can delete drive-harddisk-root-symbolic.svg symlink.

Ok, I renamed symlink to drive-harddisk-root.svg.

Another issue with 0.8.0 release. Lock icon on locked directories should not be like that in the screenshot, right? I don't remember it was like that in the previous releases.


Don't care for Linux partition icon, I reverted to system-wide icons 0.8.0 version.

Look another thing, /tmp icon is not korla's, noticed just now.

Yes, lock icon should be black gradient (on budgie is ok). Also plasma doesn't like svg with images, found some icons and fixing now. Well, need to hunt that "temp" now :)

Do you know where are lock and /temp icons?

lock is in emblems/scalable not shure about tmp naming on Budie it shows up ok

On Plasma should be something else. I'll look for...

Also "system settings" icon is incorrect in plasma. For me it shows as two gears. I guess it has different naming too


Also "system settings" icon is incorrect in plasma. For me it shows as two gears. I guess it has different naming too

I'll search it along with /temp



we have folder-locked.svg and systemsettings.svg. I made folder-temp.svg and emblem-locked.svg

When you update, I'll check.
There are some other icons that needs to be fixed in systemsettings5


Icons, keyboard shortcuts and others

ok, "icons" needs to be done. This icon with penguin is accessories-character-map, but there is another icon for shortcuts shortcuts.svg in apps/scalable (check if you like it). Which one is "others" icon?

Lock is good. /temp icon is changed, but can you do it with a watch on it like in breeze?
apps/scalable/shortcuts.svg is good. Systemsettings application icon is not changed to me.

I'm looking for icons in sysemsettings5...

SystemSettings -> Icons: file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-desktop-icons.svg

Ok, I'll change temp. Do you need that shortcuts.svg to replace some other file?
I made preferences-desktop-icons.svg :)

No, I don't think so.

SystemSettings -> Application Styles: file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-desktop-theme.svg
SystemSettings -> Login Settings: file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-system-login.svg

SystemSettings -> Application Styles -> GNOME Applications Style (GTK): file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/gtkconfig.svg and file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/kde-gtk-config.svg
SystemSettings -> Application Styles -> Windows Decorations: file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-system-windows.svg

Maybe also a keyboard and joystick icons, if you can.


I fixed systemsettings icon selecting it from application menu config.

Keyboard: file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-system-windows.svg
Joystick: file:///usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-desktop-gaming.svg, but maybe you already did that, so you don't need to do a new one.

Most icons were already made, but some were missing. I'm checking now. Joystick is in theme, but if you don't like I can make different

If you already made it, don't worry, I thought Breeze has a joystick icon, but it's a game icon in reality (preferences-desktop-gaming.svg), so it's OK.

I supposed that some icons were already made, but they're not properly linked to match Breeze ones.

I see that network folder and server-database are missing, I'm searching for their location.

Thanks for your work.

Thank you! Now this icon theme is getting somewhere. But I'm curious about panel - like clock, network, are those still breeze icons on your system?

Yes, on desktop panel they're always Breeze, I don't think you can change them, I don't know.

Check if these are present or needs to be done and customized like /temp folder:


Can you change mimetypes/symbolic/network-workgroup-symbolic.svg and places/symbolic/network-workgroup-symbolic.svg to be more like network type, if you want? The radar does not seems something related to a network share.

I'm going to try the new release. Anyway there's something new.

I noticed that qBittorrent icon changes in the system tray when I switch icon theme. This means icons on panel can be changed, but default icons can't because they are specific for that desktop theme. Breeze theme retrieves some icons directly from breeze folder not looking for them in other directories.

So changing icons on the panel requires breeze theme to be modified giving him specific icons rather than breeze ones.

Great update, but some icons still missing in systemsettings.

root directory misses preferences directory. I'll try to add it on my system and see what will happen.

I made many symlinks from prefecences directory to original icons. I'll update it.

Please do
*korla/apps/scalable/kde-gtk-config.svg and korla/apps/scalable/preferences-gtk-config.svg with gnome icon inside, similar to /usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-gtk-config.svg
*/usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/plasma-search.svg like korla/apps/scalable/preferences-desktop-plasma.svg with search icon inside
*/usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-desktop-keyboard.svg with a keyboard like in plasma
*/usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-desktop-text-to-speech.svg more similar to breeze version
*/usr/share/icons/breeze/preferences/32/preferences-web-browser-identification.svg similar to breeze with fingerprint


I uploaded symlinks through browser, but ended up to upload original files. Don't know how to upload symlinks.

Managed to upload them from command line

Hi, yes pushing via terminal too, didn't worked trough browser. Updated few icons.

Can I push another release? Then when you draw the remaining preferences icons, I'll check.

Yes, I already pushed with changes

Please, if you want, file:///usr/share/icons/korla/apps/scalable/accessories-character-map.svg more similar to breeze, with a character of the keyboard, not the penguin.

Changed icon. Still left the penguin :)
No problems if you don't like some icons let me know.

Beautiful! Thanks. ;)
This issue can be closed. I'll open another for reporting missing icons.