
skypeforlinux icon is blurry

rgoomes opened this issue · 2 comments


  • Hardcode-Tray version : 4.3
  • Distribution : KDE Neon
  • Gtk version : 3.22
  • Sni-qt version: 0.2.7+17.04.20170112-0ubuntu
  • Application name : skypeforlinux
  • Application version :
  • Theme: Suru++

Expected behavior and actual behavior

Size 16

Size 22

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. run sudo -E hardcode-tray -a --conversion-tool RSVGConvert --size 16 --theme Suru++ or sudo -E hardcode-tray -a --conversion-tool RSVGConvert --size 22 --theme Suru++
  2. open skypeforlinux
  3. check indicator icon blurry

I found the problem. apt install libappindicator3-1 fixes the blur

Thanks for sharing the tip! Added that to the README.