
enclose some common js function

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Enclose some common js and some accidental function by myself


In order to finish homework which arraged by ife.

On the other hand, I want to strengthen my ability of using native js syntax.


<script src="util.js"></script>


Before use we need instantiate a constructor

$ = new u();


Then let's get element by Id or other css selector

var a = $.$("#a");
var b = $.$(".b");
var c = $.$("[c]");
var d = $.$("[d=2016]");

caveat : if you find a element ,It will return a HTMLdocumentElement while if you find elements it will return a Array;

like Jquery, you can find a element layer by layer

var a = $.$("#a .b");
var b = $.$("[aaa=bbb] .ccc #ddd");


if you want find a Element 's child , you can use findElement

such as this layout

<ul class="a-list">
	<li class="aaa bbb">bbb</li>

Now you get the ul element , however you need get the li with class of "aaa bbb"

$.findElement( "aaa" , ulElement , $.findByClass );


return the date of today which take computer's time as standard

$.getToday(); // "2016-03-07"


return browser 's width[height] of view


bind event(s)

$.addEvent( Element , event , handle );

you can bind same function on different events with namespace

$.addEvent( document , "click.a mousemove.b" , function() {
} );

if you want unbind some event use the namespace like Jq

$.removeEvent( document , "mousemove.b" , [callback] );


if you want to delegate a Event

first example: such as this layout

$ = new u();
window.onload = function () {
	var ul = $.$("ul");
	$.delegateEvent( ul , "li" , "click" , function () {
		console.info("Beind every successful time that is a lot of unsuccessful years");

second example: such as this layout

	<li class="sa">ss</li>
	<li class="sa">ss</li>

and you want to active event when just click tags with class of "sa".

$ = new u();
window.onload = function () {
	var ul = $.$("ul");
	$.delegateEvent( ul , "li.sa" , "click" , function () {
		console.info("Beind every successful time that is a lot of unsuccessful years");

third example: such as this layout

	<div class="ab">sss</div>
	<li class="sa">ss</li>
	<li class="sa">ss</li>

if you want to active event when you click different tags with different class.

$ = new u();
window.onload = function () {
	var ul = $.$("ul");
	$.delegateEvent( ul , "li.sa div.ab" , "click" , function () {
		console.info("Beind every successful time that is a lot of unsuccessful years");

the delegateEvent is inherit by addEvent so you also can use the namespace to bind event

$ = new u();
window.onload = function () {
	var ul = $.$("ul");
	$.delegateEvent( ul , "li" , "click.show" , function () {
		console.info("Beind every successful time that is a lot of unsuccessful years");

Meanwhile you can use the undelegateEvent to unbind this event And you can give a callback to execute

$ = new u();
window.onload = function () {
	var ul = $.$("ul");
	$.delegateEvent( ul , "li" , "click.show" , function () {
		console.info("Beind every successful time that is a lot of unsuccessful years");

	$.undelegateEvent( ul , "click.show" , function () {
		console.log("unbind event is successful!!");

if you have many input need to delegate , you must set event flow to event capture mode

like this demo

<form class="register-form" action="/register">
	<input class="validate" type="text" placeholder="please input your name">
	<input class="validate" type="tel" placeholder="please input your phone number">
	<input class="validate" type="email" placeholder="please input your email">

If you can delegate the blur event to the form element with capture mode

$ = new u();
window.onload = function () {
	var formElement = $.$(".register-form");
	$.delegateEvent( formElement , "input.validate" , "blur" , function (ev , target) {
		// you can validate this input value whether is legal 
	},true); // set the capture mode

some accidental function


just like this layout

<div id="input" style="display:none;">owen love zyz</div>
<div id="output"></div>

and state some param

$ = new u();
	delay : 120,
	input : $.$("#input"),
	output : $.$("#output"),
	animate : "3d-rotate",

Then you can make a typewriter effect


Meanwhile , I also provide more animate effect , such as


caveat: If the animate doesn't give param. It will be defalut effect.