
Learning about Github. Maybe my journey will help with yours

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Check out the repository's documentation here, it's a tale and one half ...

Developing stuff

I'm doing this all on LINUX, and if you have any sense, you'll be doing that too: though, admittedly mine is running on WSL, so it seems that even the worst of us (that's me, not you) is capable of at least a modicum of redemption.

What you'll need

  • Ruby

    get it installed like this sudo apt-get install ruby

  • jekyll

    do that like this gem install bundler jekyll

How you can get it ... (it's really easy)

  1. Get the source code
# using HTTPS
git clone https://github.com/bill-richards/a-github-action-adventure
#using SSH
# using Github.Cli
gh repo clone bill-richards/a-github-action-adventure

did you know, that using most modern IDEs,
you can also clone the repository using a Git plugin/extension/connector (usually)

  1. Prepare your environment
cd a-github-action-adventure/docs/

# Run this initially, and subsequently when you make changes to the Gemfile
bundle install
  1. Open up the code in your IDE of choice (or even in vi, notepad, whatever is your poison, you strange and bizarre individual).

How you can use it ... (this is also really easy)

  1. Run the website using Jekyll
# to run the site locally
[sudo] bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

How you can change it ... (yep ... this is super easy too)

  • If you want to make changes to the Site Title, for example, make that change here
  • All of the site files live in the /docs directory
  • You can add D/Html, JavaScript, Markdown

Nota bene

You do not need to invoke Jekyll on the server; it will be invoked every time a change is made to the containing repository.

Don't repeat yourself (DRY)

Did I mention that you should check out the repository's documentation here, and also, it's a tale and one half ...

Other important stuff

This repostory was generated from the bill-richards/jekyll-site-template, a template repository, which itself uses bill-richards/jekyll-site-cookiecutter, a cookiecutter repository. Go check them out to see how they work together, it's a pretty cool concept -and sadly I cannot take the credit for it, I was inspired by this repository by simonw