
Binder does not work when used with Newtonsoft.Json

Misiu opened this issue · 0 comments

Misiu commented

I've noticed that after adding HybridModelBinding to my project JsonProperty attributes stopped working.

Below is a very simple controller that allows testing this behaviour:

namespace HybridModelBinding.Samples.Controllers
    public class DataController : ControllerBase
        public ActionResult<string> GetResCreateponse([FromHybrid]SimpleDto dto)
            return Ok($"Hello {dto.Name} {dto.IsAdmin}");

    public class SimpleDto
        public string Name { get; set; }

        [JsonProperty("is_admin"), JsonPropertyName("is_admin")]
        public bool IsAdmin  { get; set; }

Every time I do a request I get this behavior:

When I remove AddHybridModelBinder from Startup everything works as expected.

Does HybridModelBinding work when used with Newtonsoft.Json?
@billbogaiv your feedback is more than welcome.